1:1 Coaching

One-on-one coaching is your personalized pathway to thriving as both a mother and a woman. It's where we delve into your unique journey, addressing the challenges and opportunities of each season of life. Together, we focus on nurturing your personal growth in all three areas: physical, mental, and emotional. Empowering you to find alignment between your identity as yourself and a mother. We will work to create fulfillment, and joy in every aspect of your life.

During our time together, you'll receive tailored strategies and support that cater specifically to your goals and aspirations. Whether you're navigating the early stages of motherhood or seeking to enhance your parenting, one-on-one coaching provides a dedicated space for you to gain insights, share your truths and strengthen your confidence in your abilities as a mother and a woman. Together, we'll foster a deeper understanding of your strengths and challenges, empowering you to navigate life's complexities with clarity and resilience.

One-on-One Coaching: Where Your Journey to Thriving Motherhood Begins


a·lign·ed   mu·jer·es
/əˈlīn/ed   muˈheɾes/


join the


I feel seen

Women rediscovering themselves in a new season of life and motherhood


I feel seen

Women striving to strengthen relationships and family dynamics


I feel seen

Experienced mothers looking to align their way of parenting with their new understandings and beliefs


I feel seen

Mothers navigating the early stages of parenthood or preparing for motherhood


I feel seen

Women looking to balance their personal and professional growth with motherhood

who it's for

1. Apply and Assess: Begin by applying for coaching and scheduling an initial life audit. During this process, we'll assess your current challenges and identify your goals and aspirations.

2. Customize Strategies: Based on your assessment, I will customize personalized strategies to align with your goals. These strategies will focus on nurturing your physical health, enhancing your mental well-being, fostering strong, healthy relationships and understanding your inner workings.

3. Implement and Adjust: We will implement the personalized strategies into your daily life, incorporating practices that support your physical health and mental clarity. We will regularly review your progress and adjust strategies as needed to ensure they align with your evolving needs and goals.

4. Empowerment and Growth:
Through our work together, you will experience empowerment and personal growth as you deepen your understanding of yourself and your capabilities. This journey will lead to greater alignment, fulfillment, and joy in both your life and your role as a mother, nurturing a positive life for yourself and your family.

how it goes down

Accept the beautiful invitation to live your life of alignment with who you really want to be.



and experience a profound sense of alignment, fulfillment, and joy in your life.



Empowering you to thrive confidently as both a

the end goal


**3 month commitment**

1. $1,000 / month 
2x private coaching calls/month and  
private whatsapp access 

2. $500 / month 
private  coaching through whatsapp access only

Payment Options

"Who knew I could have a HUGELY more satisfying and lucrative career than I already had. Getting into alignment working with you has been beyond rewarding and truly given me a life of abundance, wellness, creativity and service that is not only beyond my expectations, but beyond my DREAMS. Thank you endlessly for your support and guidance. I am so grateful"
- Rowena Arnold

Getting into alignment working with you has been beyond my dreams



"I felt emotionally stuck before working with Sarina, she helped to break down everything I was confused about and couldn't see how to connect clearly and made it simple. I now have all the steps that I need to be successful in whats next for me."

- Jessica Simkins

I now have all the steps that I need to be successful in whats next for me.



"I feel like the luckiest person in the world. Something brought you into my orbit. My body, my mindset, my promotion, my (relationship)...everything is thanks to you! Thank you for being you and changing my life!"

- Gayathri Nanja

I feel like the luckiest person in the world




All of my coaching is done remotely, through video calls, phone calls and WhatsApp. 


If you're still in the process of figuring out what you want, coaching can be particularly beneficial: 

  • Exploration and Clarity: A coach can help you explore your values, interests, strengths, and aspirations to gain clarity on what truly matters to you. 
  • Goal Setting: Coaching can assist you in setting meaningful and achievable goals based on your emerging priorities and interests.
  • Self-Discovery: Coaching provides a supportive space for self-discovery and reflection.
  • Experimentation and Exploration: Coaching encourages experimentation and exploration as you try out new activities,
  • Overcoming Obstacles: During this exploratory phase, you may encounter obstacles or limiting beliefs that hold you back.
  • Accountability and Support
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: As you continue to clarify what you want, your coach can adjust the coaching process accordingly, providing tailored support and guidance along the way.


Life coaching is a collaborative partnership between a coach and a client aimed at unlocking the client's potential to maximize their personal and professional fulfillment. Unlike therapy, which focuses on resolving past issues, life coaching is future-oriented and goal-driven. A life coach helps clients clarify their goals, identify obstacles, and develop actionable strategies to overcome challenges and achieve their desired outcomes.

The benefits of life coaching are multifaceted.

Firstly, it provides a structured framework for self-discovery and personal growth. By working with a coach, clients gain clarity on their values, strengths, and aspirations, which empowers them to make more informed decisions aligned with their authentic selves.

Additionally, life coaching offers accountability and support. A coach serves as a dedicated partner, offering encouragement, feedback, and perspective throughout the client's journey. This support system helps clients stay motivated, navigate setbacks, and stay on track towards their goals.


You can expect a range of transformative results tailored to your specific goals and aspirations. Here are some potential outcomes:

  • Develop clear, actionable goals and strategies to achieve them, supported by accountability and guidance to stay focused and motivated.
  • Experience profound personal growth and self-discovery as you uncover limiting beliefs, overcome obstacles, and unlock your full potential.
  • Build confidence and self-assurance 
  • Enhance communication skills, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal relationships
  • Work-Life Balance: Create a balanced and fulfilling life that prioritizes your well-being, personal goals, and relationships alongside your professional aspirations.
  • Career Advancement: By identifying opportunities for development, honing leadership skills, and leveraging your unique strengths to achieve success.

Working with me as your coach is an opportunity to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment, leading to positive and lasting change in all areas of your life.


Here are some signs that indicate you may be ready for coaching:

  • If you have a desire to set and achieve specific goals in your personal or professional life but feel unsure about how to proceed, coaching can provide clarity and guidance.
  • Openness to Change: If you're willing and ready to embrace change and are committed to taking action to improve your life.
  • If you feel stuck, unfulfilled, or dissatisfied with certain aspects of your life and are seeking support to break through barriers and create positive change.
  • If you're engaged in self-reflection and eager to gain deeper insights into yourself, your values, and your aspirations.
  • Accountability: If you recognize the importance of accountability and support in achieving your goals and are willing to commit to the coaching process
  • Willingness to Invest: If you're willing to invest time, energy, and resources into your growth and well-being, coaching can be a valuable investment in yourself and your future.