I'm so eager to get to know you. 

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Is there anything else you would like to share with me?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how committed are you to making changes and achieving your goals through coaching?

What motivates you to seek coaching at this point in your life?

What do you perceive as your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the goals you want to achieve?

What specific changes or improvements would you like to see in your life?


Email Address and phone number*

Your Full Name*

Someone from our team will review your application and we will get back to yo you in the 2-3 business days.  We cannot wait to get to know you better!


I'm eager to get to know you and see how I can be a part of your journey.


"Who knew I could have a HUGELY more satisfying and lucrative career than I already had. Getting into alignment working with you has been beyond rewarding and truly given me a life of abundance, wellness, creativity and service that is not only beyond my expectations, but beyond my DREAMS. Thank you endlessly for your support and guidance. I am so grateful"
- Rowena Arnold

Getting into alignment working with you has been beyond my dreams



"I felt emotionally stuck before working with Sarina, she helped to break down everything I was confused about and couldn't see how to connect clearly and made it simple. I now have all the steps that I need to be successful in whats next for me."

- Jessica Simkins

I now have all the steps that I need to be successful in whats next for me.



"I feel like the luckiest person in the world. Something brought you into my orbit. My body, my mindset, my promotion, my (relationship)...everything is thanks to you! Thank you for being you and changing my life!"

- Gayathri Nanja

I feel like the luckiest person in the world

